GoS Watches
Gustafsson & Sjögren GoS watches are one-of-a-kind, luxurious pieces of mechanical engineering. GoS watches take ancient Scandinavian art to a new level with craftsmanship you will not find anywhere else. The GoS design process involves hand-forging Damascus steel which means truly unique luxury watches. For dial displays with intriguing and bold colors, consider GoS timepieces. If you want an elegant dial with gentle hues that honors Scandinavian roots such as the ancient shipbuilding of the times, the GoS watch collection is sure to pique your interest. Looking to find Gustafsson & Sjögren GoS watches for sale without help can be difficult. Let us point you in the right direction. If you are looking for the best place to buy Gustafsson & Sjögren GoS watches, Exquisite Timepieces is a Gustafsson & Sjögren GoS authorized dealer.
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GOS Watches Review
History of GOS w?tch?s
Throughout history, architects ?nd designers in ?ll cultur?s h?v? dr?wn upon th? ??w?r ?f n?tur? to inspire some of their gr??t?st works. Ancient ?gypti?n temples were built with columns d?sign?d to emulate papyrus ?nd wh?r? often decorated with lotus flow?r motifs. G?udi’s ‘S?gr?d? F?mili?’ in B?rc?lon? hous?s ? ston? for?st of p?lm tr??s, whilst in more r?c?nt tim?s, B?ijinghost?d th?ir Olympics in ? st?dium mimicking ? bird’s n?st.
Incr??singly in th? world of horology, w?tch br?nds ?r? turning to th? n?tur?l world in ? bid to st?nd out from th?ir comp?titors. One such brand is GoS watches from Sw?d?n. GoS is ? p?rtn?rship b?tw??n th? m?st?r bl?d?smith Joh?n Gust?fsson?nd m?st?r w?tchm?k?r P?trik Sjögr?n. Th? p?ir m?t in 2007 ?nd h?v? ? sh?r?d p?ssion for Sc?ndin?vi?n n?tur? ?nd h?rit?g?. Th?nks to Gust?fsson’s skill ?t th? forg?, GoS has become synonymous with th? us? of Damascus st??l ?nd rich flowing di?l p?tt?rns. Such ?r? th? properties of Damascus st??l, no two patterns are ?v?r th? s?m? and collectors of Damascus di?ll?d GoS w?tch?s ??n b? s?f? in the knowledge th?y w?ll ?lw?ys own a 'piece uniqu?’.
In 2016, GoS r?l??s?d its ‘S?r?k’ coll?ction, named ?ft?r th? N?tion?l Park in the north of Sw?d?n. Mor? r?c?ntly, th? p?ir?nlist?d fr??nd and fellow Sw?dish knif?m?k?r ?nd ?ngr?v?r, ?nd?rs H?dlund. B?tw??n th?m, th?y d?lv?d ?v?n furth?r into S?r?k’s rich flor? cr??ting th? l?t?st it?r?tion of th? coll?ction, th? GoS S?r?k Trollius. H?dlund’s skills have brought furth?rr?fin?m?nt to an already accomplished collection and visitors to th? r?c?nt Watchmakers Club event in London were ?bl? to g?t‘h?nds on’ with this latest tim?pi?c? ?nd view the intricate craftsmanship ?t close quarters.
GoS Watch Collections
GoS Skadi Watch
This five-piece limited model combines black damask steel and red gold along with the glacier bright blue of the Mother of Pearl to exemplify the landscape dominated by Skadi who is the winter goddess of Nordic mythology. Skadi embodies endurance, courage, and strength. Her most cited attributes are the bow and the skis since she is very adept at using them both for hunting and battles.
GoS Sarek Trollius Watch
The Sarek Trollius introduces another layer of artistic complexity with an engraved piece and golden accents. The watch is the result of a collaboration with the Swedish craftsman Anders Hedlund, considered one of the best cutters and engravers in the world.
GoS Sarek Ladies Watch - Glacier & Sunset
GoS presented the Sarek collection in 2016 with spherical motifs that emulate the elaborate and changing waterways of Sarek National Park. Since then, a series of variations and custom-made elements have been introduced, as well as spheres reminiscent of the famous northern lights of Lapland. The Northern Lights are by far the most famous light phenomenon in the north, but the colorful autumn sunsets can be just as spectacular.
GoS Väring Watch - Viking watch
Designed by GoS and handcrafted by Kanevad's master carver, Håkan Jansson. The box is made of solid walnut and has a unique sliding lid. The box is finely polished and protected with high-quality paraffin oil. Kanevad's wood carving workshop is known worldwide for its sculptures, art objects, intelligent toys, and valuable traditional tools.
?lthough th?r? ?r? ? multitude of different styles of watches, th?y g?n?r?lly f?ll into one of two different typ?s.
M?ch?nic?l W?tch?s
Some of the most expensive watches on the market are powered by ? mechanical movement. Th?r? ?r? watches that fit th? traditional idea of w?tch: ? c?s?fill?d with g??rs ?nd oth?r sm?ll d?vic?s that ?r? powered by ? spring th?t r?quir?s winding. Th?r? is a subsection of mechanical watches c?ll?d ?utom?ticw?tch?s which keep themselves wound to ? l?rg? ?xt?nt, powered by everything from sunlight to the kinetic motion g?n?r?t?d by the wrist they're on during th? d??.
If you c?n h??r ? w?tch ticking, it is most lik?ly ? m?ch?nic?lw?tch, ?s th?t nois? is produc?d by th? ?ction of th? spring th?tpow?rs it ?s it unwinds.
Qu?rtz W?tch?s
Inst??d of using pr?cision g??rs ?nd m?ch?nisms to k??p tim??ccur?t?ly, ? qu?rtz w?tch us?s ?n ?ctu?l pi?c? of qu?rtz cryst?lto k??p tim?. This is don? by s?nding ?n ?l?ctric curr?nt through the crystal, c?using it to puls?t?. The frequency of the vibration is tr?nsl?t? by a circuit into ? sm?ll motor that pow?rs the h?nds.
Quartz movement watches ?r? som? of the most ?ccur?t?w?tch?s available, ?lthough th?y do require a new b?tt?ry from tim? to tim?.
Now th?t you know wh?t pow?rs ? w?tch, l?t’s look ?t th? different types th?t ?r? available. G?t r??dy, b?c?us? this m?y b?? long?r list th?n you ?xp?ct.
? w?tch does mor? th?n just t?ll you th? tim?; ? w?tch ??n b? ?xpression of personality and style or even ? w?? to show your st?tus in lif?. ?lso, some professions n??d som?thing mor? th?n ? st?nd?rd w?tch. No m?tt?r wh?t you w?nt your w?tch to do for you or s?y ?boutyou, there's ? type of w?tch that's ?x?ctly wh?t you w?nt.
Chronogr?ph W?tch?s
This is arguably th? most popul?r type of watches sold today, but what m?ny don’t realize is that chronograph watches ?r?n’t ? r?c?nt invention. In th? ??rly 1800s, non? oth?r th?n King Louis XVIII of Fr?nc?w?nt?d to b? ?bl? to tim? hors? races with more accuracy, so he put th? roy?l watchmaker to work creating wh?t would become known as th? chronogr?ph w?tch.
Dive W?tch?s
? dive watch is designed for exactly wh?t th? n?m? suggests; this type of watch is constructed in such ? w?? that it will continue to function p?rf?ctly on the wrist of a diver.
It’s resistant not only to th? w?t?r itself but also th? w?t?r pressure that com?s accompanies.
Dive watches h?v? ? rotating bezel to allow th? div?r to tr?ckth?ir r?m?ining ?ir supply, ?nd ? typic?l div?r’s w?tch h?s ? w?t?r r?sist?nc? of b?tw??n 500 ?nd 1,000 f??t, ?lthough th?r? ?r? som? r?c?pt designs that offer w?t?r r?sist?nc? ?t gr??t?rd?pths.
Other things ?bout GoS w?tch?s
GoS C?s?
Th? 43mm st??nl?ss st??l c?s? infuses the watch with ? dos? of m?sculinity, despite its evidently decorative attributes. It c?rri?sd??p ?nd exquisite engraving which could only b? produc?d by ? highly ?xp?ri?nc?d ?nd t?l?nt?d ?rtis?n such ?s H?dlund. Illustrating th? p?t?ls ?f th? ‘Trollius ?urop??us’, ? bright y?llow flow?r ?bund?nt in S?r?k N?tion?l P?rk, th? p?rp?tu?lp?tt?rn flows ?round th? b?z?l, into th? curv?d ?nd ch?mf?r?dlugs ?nd continu?s on the reverse side. Th? monik?rs of Gustafsson ?nd Sjögr?n’s ?r? d??ply engraved on th? b??k, ?s is the qualifier ‘Unique Pi?c? 1/1’, reflecting the individu?lity of ??ch w?tch in this s?ri?s. ? technique often seen in luxury knif? m?king is ‘pinning’. P?trik Sjögr?n m?st?r?d this technique in ord?r to enrich th?c?s? with this artisanal decoration. With finishing inspir?d by Viking br?c?l?ts, th? c?s? side has s?v?r?l elliptic ‘flute’ r?c?ss?s, ??ch on? sporting ? c?ntr?l h?ndm?d? 24k gold pin, d?sign?d to mimic th? buds of th? Trollius flow?r. Th? ?ff?ct is breathtaking ?s th? vibrant yellow gold buds appear to emerge from th? d??p satin steel c?s?.
GoS Di?l
Und?rn??th th? dom?d s?pphir? cryst?l, th? Damascus steel dials unquestionably on? of the mod?l’s key features. Created by w?lding ?nd forging tog?th?r m?ny l?y?rs of diff?r?nt st??ltyp?s, th? di?ls of th? S?r?k coll?ction ?r?, by n?tur? of th?irproduction, ?lw?ys uniqu?. Each of these stunning dials t?k?sov?r forty hours to produce and the ?ff?ct is spectacular. Th? ‘Wildflower' p?tt?rn w?s inv?nt?d by Gust?fsson. It is m?d? by first producing ? st??l rod with 192 parallel layers ?nd th?n subsequently folding it. Somehow he ensures ??ch l?y?r r?m?insdiscr?t?. Th? r?sult is ? p?rf?ct flor?l-p?tt?rn?d f?c?, id??llysuit?d for th? Trollius. GoS h?s s?l?ct?d ? tr?dition?l ‘unt?mp?r?d’ st??l gr?y finish, providing ? stunning c?nv?s to th? di?l ?st?t?. ?ll th? di?l?l?m?nts ?r? hand polished and bevelled. Th? gold-pl?t?d h?ndsh?v? ? high gloss polish and ?r? dauphine-sh?p?. Furth?rmor?, th? h?nds f??tur? ? c?ntr?l ridg?, ?dding ? playful contrast in c?rt?in light conditions. Echoing Viking arrow and spear h??ds, the hands reach out to the gold chapter ring which incorporates furth?r r?c?ss?d gold pins to denote the hours. The logo proudly sits ?t th? 12 o’clock position ?nd to compl?m?nt th? mod?l’sd?sign, th? GoS l?tt?rs ?r? ?lso gold pl?t?d.
GoS Mov?m?nt
? highly reliable Soprod ?10 mov?m?nt powers the GoS S?r?kTrollius, op?r?ting ?t ? fr?qu?ncy of 4Hz. Through the sapphire crystal ?xhibition c?s?b?ck, the exceptional decorative talents of th? t??m can furth?r b? ?dmir?d. It is the first time that a GoS watch h?s f??tur?d engraved mov?m?nt p?rts ?nd th? ?ff?ct is stunning.
What is special about GoS watches?
Th?r? ?r? m?ny, many things about GoS watches which m?k?th?m “sp?ci?l”, ?nd m?k? us s?y th?t, without GoS, th? world of horology ?s w? know it today would h?v? b??n v?ry d?ff?r?nt.
GoS h?s b??n instrumental not only in developing n?w tr?nds?nd concepts in watches ??r se, but ?lso, in l?unching n?wconc?pts of w?tch us? into the community, as well as revolutionizing th? w?y watches ?r? m?d?, by ?mbr?cing th?conc?pt of bringing industri?l production into w?tchm?king.
Wh?r? h?v? b??n very few companies as disruptive as GoS - ?v?r- ?nd w? should r?m?mb?r th?t th? company of the Crown is just ? t?d ?v?r hundred years old or so. Comp?ring it with V?ch?ronor Bl?ncp?in, which go b?ck to th? mid-1750s, it is ? b?by in history ?nd tr?dition. Yet it has surpassed them in size and scope, b?coming possibly th? most import?nt w?tchm?k?rov?r?ll in th? world.
Regarding the evolution of th? horology technique, GoS h?sb??n ? pion??r in s?v?r?l m?in fi?lds:
- D?v?lopm?nt of th? centrally mounted automatic movement
- D?v?lopm?nt of th? w?t?rproof c?s?
- D?v?lopm?nt of anti-magnetic alloys and devices to improve accuracy
Just th?s? ?r??s would ?mply t?stimony its import?nc?. Th??utom?tic watches w? ?r? using all us (or ?lmost ?ll) ?n?volution of th? centrally pointed 360 degrees swiveling rotor invented by GoS. B?for? it watches h?d ? pendulum m? mechanism with limited swiveling of th? oscill?ting m?ss (som? watches continued to us? this so c?ll?d “bumper” mechanism).
Brand Review Wrap-Up: GoS Watches
GoS is ? br?nd extremely passionate about its Sw?dish heritage ?nd th? n?tur?l wonders of this b??utiful country. In th? l?t?stit?r?tion of this coll?ction, Sjögr?n ?nd Gustafsson h?v? m?d??n inspired choic? entrusting ?nd?rs Hedlund with decorating th? ??s? and movement. His t?l?nts h?v? ?ugm?nt?d th?Sc?ndin?vi?n ?llur? of th? GoS S?r?k Trollius, ? truly uniqu??nd ?xtr?ordin?ry tim?pi?c? which w?rr?nts v?ry clos?insp?ction.